Mahieka Sharma
2 min readJul 1, 2022


Sapiens — A summary part 1

Hi, I’m Mahieka and I am reading Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari at the moment. While reading the opening paragraphs of part 2 of the book, I realized just how IMPORTANT this book and the takeaways are — and that I for one, was easily able to identify and register the key takeaways from parts of it. Hence, I have decided to provide a summary and some personal reflections on the text over the coming month — when I shall tentatively finish reading it for the first time.

Obviously there had to be a personal gain to come from this exercise and I will share that with you as well — I am able to go back to the text I have read, form coherent summaries and this not just helps me learn more myself, but also analyze more. If you know me, you know I must analyze everything presented to me. Let us then consider this an exercise in improving my own tendencies.

the picture of dorian gray on upsplash

It is about two years from the start of this article, and the end. Publishing because I think it’s funny. I did end up finishing Sapiens, only it was over far longer a period than I would have predicted and I also forgot I had committed to writing about it. I’ve read it about twice since then.

My current reading list —

  1. The Picture of Dorian Gray (I saw that a man from my past with the emotional quotient of a frog was reading it and lost my mind at the thought that he was reading a book I have not, and bought it the next time I was at a bookstore.)
  2. Yoga Against Spinal Pain
  3. Zen & the art of motorcycle maintenance ( for the second time )
  4. Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus ( I physically cringe every time I attempt to read this book, but I also really want to read it.)



Mahieka Sharma

I talk about myself and how I get things done — modelling, figuring out my future, interning, baking, yoga, acting, doing better daily etc.